Битва за Великобританию

Год выхода: 2022

Страна: Великобритания

Жанр: Военный

Режиссер: Каллум Берн

Актеры: Каллум Берн, Arnold Voysey, Том Гордон, Дэвид Добсон, Вин Хоук, Стивен Хупер, Джеффри Манделл, Крис Клайнес, Hannah Harris, Jamie Ellis


A young pilot, fresh out of training, is called to join a Flight while they wait for the call to scramble. Throughout a single day, he witnesses the skies of southern England filled with deadly dog fights, and after every exhausting battle the men return to their dispersal hut, only to find another of their number missing. Unwilling to surrender, the pilot and his comrades unite to take to the skies once more, determined to defend not only the airfield, but their entire country.


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